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Module code:
Level of study: 5
Number of credits: 20 credits
Course/s the module belongs to: BA (Hon) Business Studies
Faculty: Business
Semester/Trimester of delivery: Semester 1
Start date of the module: April 2024
Location of study: London School of Commerce
Study hours for the module: (usually 200 overall for a 20-credit module) Divide into:
• Number of contact hours and pattern of delivery:2-hour lecture each week for 12 weeks.
• Number of hours when students are expected to study independently or amongst peers, with no direct academic contact:
Academic Direction: 24 hours Lectures/ seminars
48 hours Directed learning
128 hours independent learning
Who is the module for? This module is a core module for Level 5 students on the BA (Hons) Business Studies
Module aims:
1. To develop an understanding of the management implications of electronic commerce needed for making informed operational and strategic decisions about electronic commerce and its business exploitation.
2. To integrates theory and practice and considers key issues including the growth of the mobile digital platform and the rapid expansion in digital traffic.
3. To explore the development of digital business and its applications from an international perspective and key issues on the application of various business models.
Brief module description/summary: This module introduces you to the practical aspects of designing and developing applications (such as web and interactive media). You will be encouraged to review the different technologies, and the legal and managerial aspects, which firms can use to exploit current and emerging internet technologies and enhance business operations and opportunities. You will develop skills such as web authoring, image processing, electronic marketing, social networking usage and shopping cart design.
Module learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the module the students will be able to:
• LO1: Understand the key trends and advantages of digital technology and implications for managing virtual business in the global environment.
• LO2: Critically evaluate new and emerging digital business models and key business issues such as cyber security and ethics etc. in managing effective e-business.
• LO3: Evaluate the impact of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology.
• LO4: Understand and apply relevant digital business theoretical concepts in practical contexts of a business or a non-voluntary sector.
Activity Type Activity Descriptor Weighting Length / Duration Week Due
Individual Report Individual Case Study Analysis / an investigation of a chosen organisation / theory / relevant 100% 3500 words 05/07/2024
Assessment Strategy
This module is assessed via a report to allow students to evaluate and analyse key theoretical and practical concepts in a digital business context in general and demonstrate a critical understanding in a specific context of chosen digital business.
• Further information about the assessment can be found at the end of this handbook, in the “assessment brief” section.
It's important that you meet your assessment deadline to help manage your workload and ensure your timely progression to your next level of study. However, we understand that in exceptional cases you may be unable to submit your work on time or do well in your exams due to unexpected events which are short-term in nature and beyond your control. Find out more about what to do in situations such as these here.
A coursework extension or a chance to re-take your exam is not an automatic right; and to ensure fairness and transparency, exceptional circumstances requests will only be approved if they meet the criteria, are submitted on time and - where relevant - include appropriate professional evidence.
Indicative schedule of delivery:
Session Indicative Content Independent Study Activities
Week 1 Introduction to Digital Business Explore how Digital business is different from ECommerce
Week 2 Electronic Environment Investigate how E-environment is different from traditional business environment.
Week 3 E-Commerce Business Strategies Examine electronic commerce business strategies and what makes E- Commerce unique from traditional commerce.
Week 4 B2C Models Examine different types of major B2C models and list the popular B2C implementations.
Week 5 B2B Models Explore different B2B models and research into B2B case studies and the size of B2B
Week 6 Building an E-Commerce Presence: Web Investigate different E-Commerce presence types
Week 7 Building an E-Commerce Presence:
Site Management Tools Explore the most essential tools to manage your E-Commerce Web Application/site
Week 8 E-Commerce Security and Payment Systems:
Challenges Identify and explore challenges associated to any business in general and any chosen business of your choice in particular.
Week 9 E-Commerce Security and Payment Systems:
Solutions Identify and explore solutions associated to any business in general and any chosen business of your choice in particular.
Week 10 E-Commerce Infrastructure Explore the most essential infrastructure required to run E-Commerce business
Week 11 E-Commerce Retail and Service Explore different types of retail and services in E-Commerce environment
Week 12 Revision and Assignment Guideline Extensive research and reading needs to be done on the assignment topic.
Guidance on how to use independent study time: Watch Videos Listed in the Supplementary Study materials folder, in addition to independent study activities.
Referencing system: Harvard system of referencing.
Learning Materials/Resources: Supplementary Study Materials folder is available on the student portal.
Essential Resources:
Kenneth. L, Traver. C (2024) E-commerce 2023-2024: business. technology. society., Global Edition: (18th edition) Pearson Education.
Reassessment information:
Some students may be required to take reassessment for the module, following a decision from a Board of Examiners. Do check the Your Guide to Assessment and Award Processes and seek advice from your Personal Academic Tutor if this is the case for you. Support from the module team will be available in preparation for the reassessments.
Should you be required to take reassessment, the nature of the reassessment will be:
Original assessment
This should be identical to the assessment table column 1 Reassessment type
Usually, the same type of assessment and brief, but exam questions may vary Deadline for submission of reassessment, and where it should be submitted
Individual report Individual report TBC
This handbook should be read in conjunction with other sources:
• Student Course Handbook: for course academic information applying to all modules
• Current Student Webpages: for generic student experience information
Assessment brief/s:
Technology today is no longer seen as a facilitator of everyday business practices. It has now become the heart, the centre of almost every business strategy, and data can be used by businesses to produce, store, and analyse relevant information to achieve the competitive advantage over their peers. Digital business, as it relates to business technology, offers companies and individuals new ways to connect, collaborate, conduct business, and build bridges between people. It impacts the basis of business functionality and determines the way business is managed today. However, security and privacy have become one of the biggest concerns in the digital world.
Choose a well-established digital business or e-commerce business in a B2B or B2C context. The business should be based in Europe. The chosen business must have a well-developed website, where you can find information about their strategies and operations. You are taking the role of an independent digital/e-commerce business consultant tasked to evaluate the strategies that the chosen digital/ e-commerce business is applying based on the tasks outlined below and complete these in a report.
The tasks include:
1. Identify and evaluate key trends in digital technology for managing virtual business in the global environment by drawing on your chosen business.
2. Critically evaluate new and emerging digital business models in the context of key business issues such as cybersecurity and ethics that your chosen business uses or may use.
3. Evaluate the impact of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology for your chosen business.
4. Critically evaluate the impact of Artificial Intelligence on digital businesses in general and on your chosen business in particular. Analyse any three tools of AI and their applications in the business.
4000 words [+/-10%]
Please note the following when completing your written assignment:
1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
3. Document format: Report
4. Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a reference using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
5. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewed journal articles, professional articles, press releases and newspaper articles, reliable statistics, company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should be in Harvard style.
Please refer to CCCU General Assessment Grading Criteria and rubric
• Level 5